The registration fee will be collected by Wuhan Chytey Aconf Co., Ltd. and the invoice will be sent by the company at the same time.

Please indicate "CICS2021 + Order Number" by remittance transfer method and upload electronic version of the remittance transfer voucher.


Welcome to register for this conference:

1. Supervisors, psychologists and assistant psychologists who have been registered in the registration system;

2. Full-time psychological teacher, full-time and part-time psychological counselor at the University Mental Health Education Center;

3. Psychiatrists and psychotherapists engaged in psychotherapy in medical institutions;

4. University teachers and scientific research workers engaged in clinical psychology/consulting psychology;

5. Counselors of professional social organizations engaged in psychological counseling;

6. Graduate students majoring in applied psychology in colleges and universities;

7. People who are interested in psychological crisis research;

Contact us

Academic consulting
Xinchun Liu
Cell phone:18630168048


Conference affairs consulting


Cell phone:18627754146